Saturday, 24 July 2010


My latest WiP (work in progress) is a cushion cover. Earlier this year we bought two new armchairs and they looked a little bland sitting without any cushions on, so I turfed out a few cushion covers I had put aside for a rainy day and decided only one would be suitable.
After a comment from my husband along the lines of "something you've made would look good" I decided I would crochet the second one. So off I went on a trip to the Post Office for wool, not really thinking there would be anything suitable colour-wise, and was surprised to find this lovely ball ...

Isn't it just gorgeous? There were several colours in it that would match in with the existing decor of the front room and new chair fabric, so I bought it and started to crochet :: I wasn't sure how it would knit up, but thought simple double-crochet would show off the colours without competing and now I've done a chunk I absolutely LOVE it and it matches well with the chair fabric.

Re-Kindled Love

A year or so ago I decided to pick up the crochet hook once more. I had been seduced by the newly emerged interest in knitting and all things made of wool. I had done a bit of crocheting years ago and still had a crochet hook in my sewing box. I found a bit of wool (probably left over from all those years ago!) and soon rediscovered how much I had enjoyed doing it back then. So, having got 'the bug' again I bought a few cheap balls of wool, from the local Post Office no less, and started to play. Could I remember how to do a granny square? Yes, I could, albeit a little wonky. My creative juices were flowing and I was having fun. How about if I change colour? And what if I change the stitch? Soon my first piece was done. A smallish blanket that wasn't very flat! Made a mental note to work on tension on the next piece. Now what could I use this for? I didn't want to undo it, nor throw it away. Then, suddenly it hit me! I remembered my computer chair was a little too blue for my liking and didn't look very welcoming. Would this blanket give it a lift? Yes, look. It fits perfectly as if it were made for it! Of course I tell every one I did make it to fit this chair.

Looks good, huh?

Thursday, 15 July 2010

The Final Countdown

I have grown to love these tiles in my bathroom, more from necessity than perhaps a genuine love, but not having the money to revamp has meant a long wait for the bathroom of my dreams. Well, I'm waiting no more. Early this year my husband started to strip off the old tiles and today we've gone from this ...

to this!
I thought I'd go for a simple white with black Edwardian look with white suite as I can then put any colour towel with it and it will look good. One wall will stay painted but I've yet to decide what colour that will be. Watch this space. I'm just so excited I can't tell you!

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Old Jars

I've had these jars lurking in the cupboard for years. They originally had jam in them and were bought on my first trip to Scotland to visit my sister. I always knew that one day I would find a good use for them and I have!

I've turned one into a soap dispenser for the kitchen. Looks good huh?

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