I've spent a few hours this weekend crocheting little birds. I've been wanting to make one of these for a long time, but just haven't got around to it. This was my first one:
Not bad for a first attempt, me thinks. I apologise for the poor quality photo; too dark to take it indoors and still not really light enough outside, so the flash has washed the colour out. It should be a sage green with pale pink button eyes and bright pink wings. My second attempt turned out completely different, even though I used the same stich and type of wool:
So much better! I crocheted the wings this time rather than using felt, and the button eyes were a creamy white with a brass pin and shank. These were both made from whatever wool I had to hand and old buttons from the button tin, which holds buttons inherited from my Grandmother as well as my mother. Here they are together:
You can really see the difference. I much prefer Pink Lady. The eyes are better, the beak is much, much better and she seems to have more character. Green man looks a little sniffy turning his beak up like that! What do you think?
I've really enjoyed making these and want to crochet lots more. I can see them hanging on the tree at Easter, or even in the garden during the Summer. My mind is buzzing with places to put them and I have one of two other ideas along the bird line that I want to try, but more about that another time.
Hope you've all had a crafty weekend. Til next time XXX