Hello and thanks for stopping by. Saturday saw me reaching my half century. Fifty, can you believe it?! I have always thought of getting older as becoming more wise and so was really not that bothered by reaching this landmark Birthday ... until Thursday. At two days before the event, my life suddenly turned upside down and flipped over. I was to be FIFTY. OMG! Rising panic started to surge through my body. What was I to do?
Friday I was fine about it all; it seems I was just having one of those 'moments'.
I awoke on Saturday to this::
Banners and balloons decorating the front of the house. My friend Anita had crept round and decorated whilst I was tucked up in bed, blissfully unaware of what she was up to. As I drew the curtains back, she was standing on the drive with her daughter K, both in their dressing gowns, waving and wishing me a Happy Birthday. It was a magic moment.
The whole day was filled with laughter, telephone calls and visitors bearing gifts.
I had many cards, one of which was this beauty::
I had many cards, one of which was this beauty::
I have never received a flower card and I have to say they are well worth sending as to receive one is fantastic! I believe they are a little pricey though, but the surprise and wow factor on the receiving end is second to none.
I was taken out by Mr C for a meal in the evening joined by friends and family and was secretly glad I had a couple of hours of sitting down, as I was totally knackered from all that talking and laughing and socialising (not my usual, quiet, Saturday at all!). The meal was great and as we were all deciding what pudding to have, the waiter came towards me carrying a platter full of cup cakes and candles, singing Happy Birthday. No pictures I'm afraid but you can imagine the scene.
Present giving isn't something that's done automatically in my family, so I didn't get loads of presents, and more importantly, presents that I really didn't want or like. I did get this superb bracelet::
Present giving isn't something that's done automatically in my family, so I didn't get loads of presents, and more importantly, presents that I really didn't want or like. I did get this superb bracelet::
isn't it gorgeous?
And this handsome chap::
And this handsome chap::
who's right at home in the border. I will also be getting a digital camera from Mr C but I'm currently doing research to find the best one for me, so I guess that will arrive in a few weeks time. As much as it is lovely to receive bought gifts, I am just as happy, if not more so, to receive something home made or a simple bunch of flowers or something from the charity shop that's been seen and bought on the 'I saw this and thought of you' basis. These days, I find its the simple pleasures, the small things, that mean more to me than the big gestures.
All in all, my Birthday has been filled with laughter and surprises and I have been surrounded by friends and family and that means much more to me than words can describe.